October 27, 2024
Over My Shoulder

“That’s it?” My main character says, looking over my shoulder. “I’m funny that way? That’s all I’m gonna say?”

I pause typing, thinking. 

“It does feel a bit forced. Do you have a better idea?” I ask him.

“Of course I do.” He grins. 

“I’m all ears.” My fingers rest on the keys ready to type as inspiration for the scene builds. 

 “Let’s add some tension. She just rejected me, but she still has feelings for me. But I don’t know that yet.”

“Oh, oh!” I bounce in my seat, giddy as the scene becomes visible in my mind.

“I was talking.”

“Shh. I’m writing,” I tell my character. He crosses his arms, annoyed at my interruption, but reads what I am writing over my shoulder. “You’re heart is broken. So, in a desperate attempt to reignite what you once had between each other you…” 

“I pull her close to me, lean in…wait for it… she closes the distance and we kiss.”

My fingers type as fast as they can keep up. The female lead changes her mind, overcome with confusion, and pushes him away. 

“Yeah, there’s the tension.” 

“But what about that line you don’t like?”

“It doesn’t bother me so much now,” he shrugs. 

“Oh really?” I arch a brow at him.

“Yeah, you know me best. I’m funny that way.” He winks at me.  

I chuckle to myself and click the save button. I love it when my characters help me write.